The 2024/2025 Handbook
Updated July 22, 2024
The Handbook will be provided to all successful athletes on the 2023 U of S Dance Team.
This is simply an overview of the expectations and fees of being a team member. We are making it accessible to everyone for those who are aspiring to be a part of the team so they know what the commitment level and expectations of them are prior to auditions.
Admission to the team is by audition and determined jointly by the coaches and judges.
The audition format and selection of the assessors is the responsibility of the coaches.
All prospective team members will be expected to audition each year regardless of
seniority or former experience on the team.
If you are unable to attend the auditions because of extreme circumstances, then an
alternate audition may be set up with the coaches; this should be arranged prior to the
initial tryout date.
Any decision made at/based on auditions is in the best interest of the team, and will be
based upon skill, attitude and commitment level.
General Rules
All Team members are required to sign a dancer contract, photo waiver and liability
waiver prior to obtaining team member status. This is required by each member, each
year, no exceptions.
Acceptance of invitation to join the team is regarded as acceptance of the terms and
conditions outlined in this handbook of being a part of the University of
Saskatchewan Dance Team. Failure to abide by the conditions outlined in this
handbook will result in the consequence outlined in the section under consideration or
as determined by the coaches and staff which may result in termination from the team.
All team members must have completed high school by June of 2023 and must be
enrolled as a Full-Time Student (minimum 3 classes per term, 2 classes for AES
students – labs do not count as a class). If you are unsure of your student status you
must keep the coaches updated on your status as you receive information so the best
decision for the team can be made.
When you become a member of the team, you are at all times representing the Team
and the University of Saskatchewan and must act accordingly.
Team members must understand that we are a ratified club of the University of
Saskatchewan and not a part of Huskie Athletics, even if you are a part of the field
If there is any dispute between members of the team, it is to be dealt with in a
professional manner. The Coaches need only to be involved after personal mediation
has failed. Team members unable to resolve personal differences in a timely and
mature manner may have their position suspended, or in worst case terminated. This
includes bullying, hazing and belittling of other team members.
Inter-Team Member Relationships are permitted as long as they do not affect the team
or the individuals’ performance. Interference with the greater good of the team may
result in consequences as determined by the coaches and/or staff. Team member -
Coach/Staff relationships are not permitted at any time and will result in removal of
both members from the team.
All team members are required to register as members of Cheer Canada as this grants
us access to bigger competitions and liability insurance.
All members are expected to be upstanding members of our community. Any
members arrested and/or charged with a criminal offence will be subject to immediate
termination. This includes charges for impaired driving.
All members suspected of illegal or criminal activity will be subject to an
investigation by the staff and coaches that will result in suspension until the issue has
been resolved. This may end in termination from the team.
All scheduled practices and competitions are mandatory. Only emergencies, extreme
circumstances and/or ample warning with an approved reason (by the Coaches) will
constitute an exception from this rule. If a team member cannot commit to all
practices and team commitments, their position on the team may be terminated. This
includes arriving at the set time for all commitments.
Practice Times
a. Pom: Sundays 7:00-9:00 pm
b. Jazz: Mondays 7:15-9:15 pm
c. Street Dance: Wednesdays 5:30-7:30 pm
d. Field Team: Wednesdays 7:30-9:00 pm
e. Jumps & Turns: Sundays 5:30pm-6:30
Members are required to attend all practices on time and prepared to begin at the start of the
practice time, this includes being taped, braced, etc.
Members who are late or miss practice consistently thereby impeding their ability to perform
the routine will be subject to suspension or termination.
If a member cannot attend a practice they must give prior notice to the coaches. If a member
misses practice without a reasonable excuse or has an unexplained absence, that member’s
routine position will be affected. All absence requests must be made known to the coaches at
least 48 hours in advance. If proper notice is not given a maximum of 2 (two) times, your
position will be suspended.
If a member is unable to physically attend practice but is still available during practice times,
they are expected to video call in for practice. Example situations include weather and illness
(within reason).
Strength Training
1. Team members are expected to attend all fitness/technical training sessions and
maintain athleticism throughout the season. This includes 2-3 independent gym
sessions per week as well as 1 group session per week.
2. Independent gym sessions are up to the dancer to find time per week to work out to
improve strength, endurance, cardio and skills on their own schedule.
3. Group sessions will be up to the group leader to find a time that works for all
members to attend. Group members do not all have to do the same workout but all
must be at the gym at the same time.
4. Team members may be required to show proof of gym check ins through the motion
fitness app.
5. Team members unsure of the use of the gym are expected to speak with their group
leader for guidance and or seek out reliable sources of suggestions on their own.
6. Members who are unable to perform the routine as instructed (as determined by the
coach or choreographer) may be suspended or terminated from the team.
Jumps & Turns
1. All pom and jazz dancers are expected to attend the weekly Jumps & Turns class to
work on skills in routines that there is not time in practice to improve. This will
include drills, down the rooms and conditioning.
2. This is mandatory and attendance is required and condition of being on the team. If 3
misses occur, it may result in the dancer’s position being suspended or terminated.
All team members are required to attend all competitions unless otherwise pre-approved by the
All team members must wear their team jacket & team T-shirt to competition and wear it on the floor
for awards.
Mid-drift must be covered at all times during competitions aside from heading to and from the warm
up area. Notice of uncovered mid-drift during non- warmup/competing times by a judge or the
organisation member may result in a score deduction.
All team members must conduct themselves with a high level of professionalism and sportsmanship
during all times while attending a competition. This includes congratulating, cheering and showing
exceptional kindness to all other teams, spectators and event staff.
Solos, Duos, Trios & Select Small Groups
All individual competitive solos, duos, trios, and chosen competitive small groups will be known
under the title “Selects”
Competitive Solos, Duos, & Trios
Dancers who are part of a competitive team (pom, jazz and or street dance) University of
Saskatchewan Dance Team, have the opportunity to perform solos, duets or trios if they wish. They
can either be competitive or only be performed as a part of our year end showcase.
All Competitive Solos, Duo, or Trios must be pre-approved by attending the mandatory pre scheduled
Select practices prior to competition. Failure to do so will result in the number being pulled from
Competitive Solos, Duos & Trios can be performed in any style as long as the dancer(s) have prior
experience in said style.
Competitive Solos, Duos, & Trios will have an additional expense for competition fees.
Competitive Solos, Duos & Trios have the option to compete their number at Travel competitions
where applicable.
Showcase Solos, Duos, & Trios
All Competitive Solos, Duo, or Trios must be pre-approved by a pre determined date. Failure to do so
will result in the number being pulled from the showcase.
Showcase Solos, Duos & Trios can be performed in any style as long as the dancer(s) have prior
experience in said style.
Community Appearances
The following applies to any community appearances, fundraisers, huskie games, competitions or
- Community appearances are a very important part of our program. As a campus club, we
pride ourselves on giving back to the community and increasing the exposure of our team.
- All members are required to participate in community appearances throughout the year
regardless of their placement in routine.
- Members attending an appearance must report to the location at least 15 minutes prior to the
event in proper attire as specified by the staff or coaches.
- Some events including Huskie games will be mandatory for all members and members will be
notified well in advance of such events.
- All Dancers must appear presentable when representing the team. Appropriate make-up, hair,
hygiene, and clothing choice must be worn.
- Smoking, vaping, e-cigarettes, taking drugs and consuming alcoholic beverages is not
allowed by members at any function or event.
- Members who cannot attend an event that they have previously committed to are responsible
for finding a replacement and must notify the appropriate organiser of whom they are
switching with.
- All photos in team gear and at team events must represent the team, and the University in a
respectful manner.
Huskie Athletics
The University of Saskatchewan Dance has a partnership with Huskie Athletics to help with
promotions and add to the game day atmosphere by performing on the sidelines, participating
in pregame and helping with crowd engagement at Huskie Athletics Football, Hockey and
Basketball Games.
Football games are covered by our Field team and the majority of basketball games.
Competitive Dancers who are not a part of the Field team will be required to attend for
promotional purposes 1-2 Huskie Hockey Games throughout the course of the season. This is
due to the large volume of hockey games in a season.
Competitive dancers may be scheduled for promotional purposes at basketball games.
Funds raised from Huskie Games will go towards the team fees and travel fees of those who
participate in the sideline and promotional activities.
Throughout the season, multiple fundraising opportunities will be available to dancers. These are not
3rd & 4th year dancers will be divided and put in charge of planning fundraisers.
If you are wanting to participate in any or all fundraisers. You must volunteer to help with at least one
All community appearance expectations apply to fundraising appearances as well.
Funds raised will be tracked individually by the fundraising coordinator for dancers to use towards
team fees, and team travel.
Order pick up, delivery and purchase tracking is the responsibility of the dancer to keep on top of.
Any fundraiser involving order pick up must be done the day of delivery within the times specified.
Team Travel
1. The Team members will travel as a group unless permission is granted by the coaches.
2. No team member is to leave the premises of any event without informing the
Coaches and/or staff.
3. Absolutely no guests are allowed team member’s rooms unless previous authorization
has been granted. Absolutely no dancer is to go to another guest’s room unless
previous authorization has been granted by coaches or staff.
4. Any members not following the team rules, including all expectations outlined in this
handbook, will be removed from the team immediately, and may be sent home early
at their own expense.
5. Meals & entertainment are an additional cost to the dancer aside from travel costs
determined near the beginning of the season.
6. Team members are representing the university and the team at all times while
travelling and are expected to behave in a positive, respectful manner.
Air Travel
1. Dancers will travel in predetermined attire as set out by the lead coach of the trip.
2. Dancers will use their team bag as one of their carry on baggage items.
3. Dancers are responsible for ensuring their luggage fits the requirements set out by the
airline. This includes liquids and gels in carry ons. Any additional costed incurred as a
result of luggage is the responsibility of the dancer.
4. Dancers are responsible for ensuring all travel documents are up to date ahead of the
travel date.
5. Team members are expected to be cognisant of the other travellers by keeping noise
levels down and being aware of your surroundings.
Hotel Expectations
1. Team Members are expected to be cognisant of the other guests at the hotel by
keeping noise levels down at night by avoiding the following behaviour; slamming
doors, loud music, loud talking, etc.
2. Team members are responsible for their own room keys.
3. Room assignments will be determined at the coaches discretion.
Vehicle Travel
1. To competitions within a drivable distance, team members are expected to carpool to
the location. Dancers must inform the coaches prior to departure who they are
travelling with to ensure everyone has a ride.
2. Gas will be either prepaid for using gas cards or up to the dancers travelling together
to decide how to divide the cost. This will be determined by the coach prior to
3. Parking costs incurred are up to the dancers in the vehicle to pay unless in the case the
parking is included with the hotel accommodations.
Uniforms & Team Clothing
1. Black Uniforms: Black and Green sleeveless uniforms used by the female street dance team
members for pictures and potentially other events. These are property of the team must be
returned at a predetermined date or prior to the end of the season.
2. White Uniforms: White and green long sleeve uniforms used by the female jazz dance team
members for pictures and potentially other events. These are the property of the team and
must be returned at a predetermined date or prior to the end of the season.
3. Pom Uniforms: Green and white dress used by female pom team members for competition,
photos and potentially other events. These are purchased by dancers and owned by dancers.
At the end of a dancer’s time with us, they may have the option to sell their uniform to a new
team member or keep it. These are on a three year rotation, the next new uniform will be
September 2023.
4. Field Team Bra Tops: Reversible bra tops used by female field team members for Huskie
Games only. These are purchased by dancers and owned by the dancers. These are on a 2 year
rotation; the next new top will be September 2024.
5. Practice Poms: Silver poms used by the pom team for practices. These are purchased by pom
team members and are owned by the dancers.
6. Huskie Poms: Green poms to be shared by all team members and used only at appearances at
Huskie Games. Tracking of these poms will be required. These are the property of the team
and must be returned at a predetermined date or prior to the end of the season.
7. Performance Poms: Silver sparkly poms used by pom team members for performances only.
These are purchased by pom team members and are owned by the dancers.
8. Costumes: Outfit determined by jazz and street dance coaches respectively for jazz and street
dance team members to wear for performances. These are purchased by jazz and street dance
team members and are owned by jazz and street dance team members
Team Gear
9. Team Jackets: All team members are required to have a team jacket. Jackets are to be worn
for team travel, Huskie Games and competitions. These are purchased by the dancer and are
owned by the dancer. Jackets are on a two year rotation, the next new jacket will be
September 2023. Returning members are not required to get the new team jacket but it is
available to them.
10. Team Bags: All team members are required to have the team bag to be used for travel and
competitions. These are purchased by the dancer and owned by the dancer. These are not on
11. Team T-Shirt: All team members will receive a team T-Shirt. These are to be worn at all
competitions and potentially other events. These are purchased by the dancer and owned by
the dancer.
12. Team Sports Bras: All female team members will receive a team sports bra. All male team
members will receive a coordinating active tee shirt. This can be used for practices,
competitions and additional performances if needed. These are on a two year rotation, the
next new team sports bra will be September 2024.
13. Team Gear: Additional team gear is available for purchase to dancers via our bi-annual
catalogue order. Team members must wear this gear responsibly in public, including
university property as it is a representation of the team and the university.
14. Uniforms articles on loan for the year will be returned at the final team function of the year,
no exceptions. All members must return all articles or pay for the replacement of lost or
damaged articles before they will be permitted to try out for the next season's team.
15. Team Members must keep uniforms, team gear and costumes available and ready for team
functions when needed.
16. Team members are responsible for the care and upkeep of their uniforms and costumes.
Members are required to wash uniform pieces in cold water, and hang to dry.
17. Any dancer-owned team gear will not be distributed if team fees are not up to date.
18. Pre-determined apparel will be worn to all functions, as stated by the Coaches. These include
apparel worn to some practices, to/from/at team events, during team travel, and at
19. No piece of any uniform or costume may be worn at any time other than official team
20. Upon dismissal or self-removal from the team, the member is required to contact the Coaches
and return ALL articles of uniform pieces that are not paid for, on loan to them and any team
items within 3 days of the dismissal/removal date.
21. Team gear, uniforms, or costumes will not be worn to the bars/clubs, or any other alcoholic
functions, unless it is specifically permitted by a coach.
1. If any team member becomes aware of any safety concern at any time, they are
required to tell the Coaches, and/or staff.
Drugs & Alcohol
2. While representing the team, the use of drugs and alcohol are not permitted. This
includes appearances, fundraising events and practices, and competitions. Athletes are
expected to uphold the team alcohol consumption policy, as determined by the
coaching staff. Violation of this can result in termination from the team.
3. For the safety of all members, athletes are not permitted to consume alcoholic
beverages or cannabis products for a period starting from the morning of team camp,
practice, team demos, and appearances and 24 hours prior to competitions. Violation
of this rule will result in suspension or termination from the team. Fellow athletes
with knowledge of another member violating this rule are expected to report this to
the Coach or staff.
4. Athletes may never perform skills or tumble while intoxicated, under the influence of
any drugs or alcohol.
Injury Prevention
5. Perfection before progression: the coaches will use discretion when determining how
skill difficulty will progress throughout practices and the season. Athletes are
expected to respect this decision and proceed accordingly. Athletes are expected to
attempt new skills with proper technique and effort to maintain safety.
6. Athletes must maintain strength and flexibility required to learn skills, train and
perform routines. Athletes must evaluate to continually increase active flexibility and
7. During open gym times/studio training or other skill building training athletes in
attendance are expected to practice safe tumbling or skills while working on their
own. When trying a new skill, professional coaches are required to ensure members
are not unnecessarily injured outside of practice.
8. 3 weeks prior to all competitions members may not practice new non-routine skills in
order to prevent injury.
9. If an athlete has to sit out of practice or competition due to an injury, it is expected
that this member is doing everything possible to mitigate this injury and heal. This
means: do not go out and party when you cannot practice, at competitions expect to
stay at the hotel during team free time (i.e. mall trips, site seeing, etc.).
Any member suffering from any injury or long-term illness causing that member to sit out of
any full practices or workouts must see a medical professional regarding the injury, or that
individual will be expected to practice.
Members suffering from an injury are still required to attend all team practices, workouts (if
physically capable), competitions and required team events.
Members may not self-diagnose injuries, and must tell a coach immediately if they feel they
have become injured.
Members who are temporarily sitting out of practice for an injury must participate to the
extent physically possible (i.e. standing in their spot, marking movements, etc.). These
members will not be permitted to do homework, use their cell phone or engage in other
non-practice activities.
Members must understand and practice the difference between “hurt” and “injured”. Hurt
athletes have a sustainable injury managed through bracing, ice, stretching, etc. Injured
athletes have impeded athletic performance.
1. All sponsors of the University of Saskatchewan Dance Team should be represented with utmost respect and positive regard
2. Team members are encouraged to reach out to contacts regarding personal, or team sponsorships throughout the season. Members may obtain personal sponsorship that will cover their fees for the season. Any sponsorship above and beyond team fees owed will be absolved into the team budget,and may be applied against other fundraising money owed for that specific athlete if that is the case.
3. After the initial contacts, any questions, comments, suggestions, or complaints regarding any sponsor should be directed to the coaches only. Members should not deal directly with sponsors in any sponsor related matter
4. If any member(s) are asked or offered any promotional work that may be related to being a U of S Dancer, they must first discuss the situation with the coaches to ensure the team and University will be represented appropriately.
Social Media/Technology
All members are expected to have an effective means by which the Coaches may contact them. E-mail contact, cell phone numbers, and participation in the team BAND group are required and it is the responsibility of the members to check these avenues frequently.
2. If an athlete chooses to post on their social media that they are a part of the U of S
Dance Team, it is expected that all posts prior to the athlete being on the team and
after the athlete has made the team, represent the values and rules outlined in this
handbook. This includes activities while wearing team gear.
3. Each athlete must allow for the Official Usask Dance Team Account (@usaskdance)
to follow their instagram account, tiktok account and ‘friend’ the coaches and staff on
4. If any posts are consistently deemed ‘inappropriate’ by the coaches, such as full
nudity, distasteful lingerie, overtly sexualized posts or hateful/derogatory captions,
including stories, the athlete must remove them in a timely manner after a discussion
with the coaches or be subject to suspension or removal from the team.
5. No cell phone use allowed during practice times, or strength training classes. Even
during water breaks.
6. Each athlete is required to download the BAND app and be a part of the team Band
group, fundraising group and either bootcamp or tech group. This is where the most
up to date information will be.
Team Fees
1. All members are required to pay team fees on the payment dates throughout the
season as set by the team’s financial coordinator at the beginning of the year. If a
payment date cannot be met, alternate payment arrangements must be made PRIOR to
the team dates set, with the financial coordinator, no exceptions. Failure to pay by the
set dates will result in restriction from training and performances.
2. Each member of the team is required to pay fees to cover the costs of competitions,
practices, travel and university fees. This can be done all at once or in payments.
Team fees must be paid in full by December 15th, unless other arrangements have
been made with the Financial Coordinator.
3. Competition & Travel fees will be separate from our team fees. These will be
available once the competition schedule has been finalised. Travel deposits can be
made at any point to help save for travel fees.
4. If a dancer chooses to leave the team prior to the end of the season, they will be
returned any money that is possible to be returned. Any item that has been used or
ordered will not be returned.
5. Any dancer who is removed from the team prior to the end of the season, their team
fees become non-refundable.